Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Train Insane OR Remain the Same

It was great to know that at the beginning of December, I weighed roughly around 207 pounds. And today, (although I'm cheating and it's not weigh-in yet) I weighed in at 197.

*squeals with excitement*
For awhile there, I wasn't seeing much progress. I was stuck at around 203 pounds and it was getting me down. But I hadn't really been taking things seriously. I would eat junk and rationalize it with "Well, I'll just work it all off tomorrow."

That's not how things work.

So I've upped my workouts, and I'm challenging myself to cut out the terrible foods and not eat out for 17 more days. I need to be 194 pounds by February 28th, because that's my next major goal. So far, so good:)

My workout yesterday was killer! Monday, being leg day, I warmed up with jogging a lap on the treadmill.
I did four sets of each thing:
Squats with two 25 pound weights, 12 reps.
Lunges with two 10 pound dumbbells, 10 reps.
Wall sits for one minute.
Inner plie lifts with two 10 pound dumbbells, 25 reps.
Seated leg press, 140 pounds, 12 reps.
Calf press, 80 pounds, 10 reps.
And then three sets of 25 regular crunches, 25 straight leg crunches, and 25 side crunches for each side.

I also went to yoga last night for an hour.
It felt AHmazing:)

Today wasn't as hard core, I just did my 5K training:
4 minutes running on 5.0 mph & 1 minute walking on 3.0 mph-repeat six times.
Walking up stairs is a challenge for me, but I love the pain. It means something is working.

I want to be able to get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and know that the body that I feel proud and confident about is a product of hard-work, and determination.
Here's a little something for TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY<3 

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