Thursday, February 20, 2014

I'm Stuck In A Rut

I've been blogging since the summer of 2013, mostly so I can track my progress and changes, and partly to try and inspire people, but now I'm blogging because I really need some help.

I have designated Wednesdays to be the day that I weigh in, but lately, I've become obsessed with knowing how much I weigh, and I weigh myself everyday. This has become upsetting to me, because if I don't see the numbers that I want, it has the potential to ruin my whole day. Although I know my weight fluctuates a few pounds here and there, it will still get me down. 

I have grown increasingly anxious about how many pounds I weigh since I've started to set monthly goals. Last month, my goal was to be under 200 pounds by January 31st (which I reached!), and this months goal is to be 194 pounds by February 28th.

I currently weigh 197.8 pounds (I know because I just weighed myself) and I only have 8 days left to lose 3.8 pounds. That sounds like it would be easy, but my weight keeps jumping all the way up to 198 pounds back down to 195 pounds and IT'S SO FRUSTRATING. 

What would you suggest to keep me from being scale obsessed? Or, is it better to weigh in a lot as apposed to weighing in once a week? 

Also, I follow a lot of amazing fitspiration people on Instagram...A LOT. And throughout my journey I have definitely seen results. However, I am extremely concerned about losing stomach fat. I know it's not possible to concentrate on one area, and I don't want to do that anyways. I definitely need my arms and legs and booty toned. I have just seen less progress in my stomach than in other areas, and I wonder if it's something I'm doing or not doing. I do a lot of cardio and sprinkle in weight training plus abdominal workouts, but I'm thinking that my workout plan just isn't effective.

Would anybody be will to share a workout plan that has shown them great results? Or recommend me to a site that has great workouts?

Right now, I'm just kind of stuck in a rut between what I look like now and what I want to look like. I can see improvements little by little, but I can also see that after this whole time (since last summer) I should be farther a long. I know with a more effective workout, I can more easily reach my goals, and not have to worry about jumping on the scale every morning. 

If ANYONE has any tips or advice, please comment. I'm sure the people who read this blog have the same questions, so you wouldn't only be helping me out, you'd be helping them as well. 
Thank you and Happy Thursday:) 

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