Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Don't Let the Fear of Striking Out, Keep You From Playing the Game

While I'm counting down the days until I return to school, I'm not completely dreading it. I have high hopes that I'll like my new classes, I am ecstatic to see all of my friends, and hopefully make news ones, and I can hardly wait to implement my new workout schedule and eating habits. It took me a lifetime, but I have planned out each workout for the first week of being back at school. I will share the workouts along with how successful they were in a fresh, back-to-school blog coming up on Monday:)

As of today, good news has been delivered. Last week I weighed in at 207 pounds...this week:

203 pounds!
I was pretty stoked about the whole thing. I also did measurements, and compared them to the last time I recorded my measurements....I have lost at least an inch from every area (calf, thigh, hips, waist, chest, bicep).  I sat down and planned out exactly what my goals are. Curious? 

Goal #1: Be under 200 pounds by January 31st.
Goal #2: Lose 6 pounds between Jan. 31st and Feb. 28th. 
( Be 194 pounds, at most)
Goal #3: Lose 6 pounds between Feb. 28th and Mar. 31st. 
(Be 188 pounds, at most)
Goal #4: Lose 6 pounds between Mar. 31st and Apr. 30th.
(Be 182 pounds, at most)
Goal #5: Lost 7 pounds between Apr. 30th and May 31st.
(Be 175 pounds, at most)

My end goal (at least until I decided what my summer goals are) is I want to be, at heaviest, 175 pounds by the Mudderella on May 31st. I was thinking that six or seven pounds a month is not an outrageous goal. That's an average of 1.5 pounds a week for the next four and a half months. As for goal #1, I only have three pounds to go:)

Basically, it doesn't matter what the numbers on the scale tell me as long as I'm looking and feeling great, but I do need some guidelines. A time frame will put things into perspective for me, and give me motivation to work towards my goal. 

I know I have a long way to go--although I'm seeing progress I still have to stop making excuses for some things. I have to learn how to distinguish between eating when I'm actually hungry and eating when I'm bored or emotional. But I'm taking steps towards the new me, and that's all that really matters. 

P.S. I still need at least three more people to join my Mudderella team. Don't be intimidated by the length of the course or by how hard the obstacles look. If you're interested, please don't let fear of not being good enough (fast enough, fit enough) stop you from doing this...

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