Monday, January 20, 2014

Do You Like Free Stuff?

As many of you may know, I am a DJ of the WMCR radio station. On my show I talk about fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle because it's something I've grown to be passionate about, and I know that as college students, many of us don't know what leading a healthy lifestyle means.

SO, I wanted to do something that promoted my show, while getting my blog out there. And that something is: If you are the first person to post GetFit2014 on The Mo Show Facebook Page, I will track you down and give you a Petey's Pub & Grill $10 Gift Card. 

Now, if you're reading this and you are 1. Not a Monmouth College student  2. Not following The Mo Show on Facebook or 3. Allergic to pizza  then you're out of luck I'm afraid. 
Get information about how you can eat healthier, exercise more, and be the best you you

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