Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day 99 & 98

When I first started trying to do push-ups, I could hammer out a solid two good ones. When I actually started to practice trying to do push-ups before my run in the mornings, I could accomplish 5 mediocre push-ups at a time for a total of ten. Well, yesterday for the first time ever, I pushed myself into completing 10 push-ups at a time, 20 in total and I'm pretty damn proud of myself <3
This morning, I woke up and looked in the mirror and it was horrifyingly noticeable how dead my ends were. My hair is taking a beating here in BsAs because I failed to pack enough black girl hair products, thinking that more of my kind inhibited this area...I was wrong. The point is that day 98 of loving myself went a little differently. I woke up not loving the way my hair looked. So I washed and straightened it, and I went and got it cut. My goal was to chop it off. I wanted something different, something risky and sassy. While I love myself for having the balls to let someone who speaks a different language than me take scissors to my hair, I failed on the "risky" hair cut. It looks the same as always, only a little healthier. But I was nervous to have someone other than my normal hairstylist cut my hair and yet I marched into that salon, made an appointment, and came out happy with the result. I'm strong, courageous, and independent, and I love that about myself!

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